Gaming Cards for Eat Hitler!

I managed to devote some time to the next system we're going to be playing:  Eat Hitler!  Yes, the time is almost upon us to deliver some long-awaited comeuppance to the Nazis as we chase them across a wargames table where they will become dinosnacks.  How could anyone not enjoy this sort of stuff?

As a reminder, here's the 1945's answer to a certain famous Delorean...
 Each player will have the opportunity to play either an Allosaurus...
...a T-Rex...
 ...a pack of Velociraptors...
...or Utahraptors.
Their aim is a simple task:  eat as many Nazi's as possible in the time available!  On the menu we have Hermann Goering...
 ...some Waffen-SS guards...

 ...Adolf Hitler...
 ...Eva Braun...
...and Martin Bormann.
Between the Carnosaurs and the Nazis will be the Gallimimuses...
...and an Allosaurus.
Eat Hitler! uses cards to determine activation order.  The rulebook simply suggests taking a standard playing card for each player as well as a Joker to make the activation deck.  It's a perfectly good solution.  But me being me, it was never likely to happen at my gaming table.

So I present a sample of the cards I've gone and designed.  And in true style, I've not just gone for the activation deck.  No siree, I've gone the whole hog and made cards with the rules for the players dinosaurs, the other dinosaurs and the Nazis.  I know it's  completely unnecessary.  But if something's worth doing, it's worth doing it right, as I was told a long time ago...!
 Right, I'm away to switch on my printer and get cutting.  I should have some card protector sleeves hiding about somewhere...!


  1. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work. gta 5 modded accounts

  2. Thank you. If you tap the 'Eat Hitler' in green at the bottom of the post, it'll take you to all my posts on the game. Happy reading!


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