Road Marking Madness:Modern City Base Boards Part Four

Welcome back to my modern city boards project!  If you've missed the earlier installments, you can find them here: Part One Part Two and Part Three

I began very much as I left off last time, working on the road markings.  This is the part of the job I'd been looking forward to most on this project.  It's the bit all the planning was working towards, and as far as I was concerned, it was the make or beak of my plans.  What you can see in this post is the product of two days of painting.  My back's a little sore form poring over the boards, but I'm delighted with the results.

You'll no doubt remember that the boards come from TT Combat.  They're an absolute steal at £34.95 post free in the UK.  They are made from 3mm MDf and assemble like a dream.  You can see them for yourself on their website here.   

The boards are a foot square and you get sixteen of them.  These make a 4'x4' gaming surface, or a 5'x3' board if you are wanting to sit them more comfortably on your dining table as I am. I've explained my plans and how I went about painting the markings in my previous posts, so I'll get on with showing you what I've achieved.

It's worth showing the next photo though.  I always like to have my models to hand when it comes to scratch building.  It helps me make sure I'm making everything compatible with the miniatures.  This 'build' is no exception.  You see, I wanted to put some parking spaces on one of my boards.  these will either be visible on the layout or hidden by one of the buildings sitting atop them.  My roads are 4" wide.  This might seem slightly excessive when compared to your average car.  Believe me, it's not if you plan to put down a lorry or a bendy bus as we do.
I got out five of my cars and parked them side by side on my board.  It was easy to see that I would get five parking spaces along a 12" board.  This of course makes for some lovely maths.  I could have used some basic geometry and a set square to resolve this, but I decided to use millimeters instead.  if you're interested, the centre of each parking line is 6.1cm away from the next.  The parking bays are 11cm deep.  Anyway, the finished result is a single board that looks like this:
I also made four of these three lane road sections:
 Two of these single lane road sections with pedestrian crossing:
 Two of these three lane sections with a pedestrian crossing:
 Two of these three lane sections with pedestrian crossing:
  And the remaining five boards were left plain:
 But the real joy comes when you put these together.  This is when the joy of laser cut base boards comes into its own.  They fit together wonderfully.  So flush.  This is only one of many possible configurations:
It's a dream cone true!
 Honestly, I struggle to find the joins!
So what's next, I hear you ask?  Well, I need to work on all the loose pavement sections. Then I have to decide whether to use my lamp posts and traffic lights from my previous boards or not.  If I do so, I'll need to attach some rare earth magnets to some of the pavement sections.

As always, thanks for stopping by!
